Tres Chic

By Danielle Livadi - 6/16/2018 05:20:00 PM

A new round of Tres Chic is coming! 
Some of the beautiful things you'll find at the event from tomorrow...

Hair   Vanity Hair::Sundance @ Tres Chic

Lipstick applier    Lisa.Walker OMBRE LIP for catwa @ Tres Chic
Necklace   LaGyo_Deliciosa Necklace - Rose/Navy @ Tres Chic
Top    .Enfant Terrible. Bohemian Tops @ Tres Chic
Skirt   .Enfant Terrible. Bohemian Skirts @ Tres Chic

Pose   Pose   <K&S> Sophie bento poses - rare for PocketGacha

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