Hello! News for you, very pretty! First of all, the skin i' m wearing is a recent release by Reila Skins. It is called Liya and comes in six different make-up options plus the choice to use the teeth in tattoo layer. The skin has also a personal shape but i used one mine. The, the dress and the jacket are a new release by MAAI, they give something to sophisticated to your avi and are available in several colors. You can wear them separetely. Finally, the nails are the hunt item by Superbia for The Dirty Turkey Hunt 3.0 that will begin tomorrow.
The credits list
Skin Reila Skins Liya | deeptan | recent release
Hair ^;^CaTwA^;^ Amanda
Outfit MAAI Ani | dress and jacket | cyan | New
Nails Superbia Grunge Turkey nails | #20 hunt item TDTH
Poses :: Focus Poses :: Model 110 | New
Thanks so much to Reila Karu (Reila Skins), Catwa Clip (CaTwA), Snow Wolfhunter (MAAI), Ojeras Tolsen (Superbia), Carol Kling (Focus Poses).